
I completed my Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry at Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Iran, and the University of Manchester, the UK in 2009. Then, I moved to Seoul, South Korea and worked in an international group under the supervision of Prof. Kenneth D. Karlin (Johns Hopkins University, US) and Prof. Shunich Fukuzumi (Osaka University, Japan) as part of the Worldwide University Program sponsored by Ewha Womans University. In Dec. 2011, I moved to the states and joined Prof. Linda H. Doerrer group at Boston University, where I worked on the electrocatalytic water oxidation project. I joined the faculty of chemistry at Oklahoma State University in Fall 2014. The research theme of our group is inorganic and organometallic synthesis, characterization, reactivity, and application towards solving energy-related problems.